I was honestly surprised while I was putting together this list because I never realized how many of films that I loved watching were primarily considered to be part of the drama genre. The movies listed below, in my opinion, have strong and engaging plots with well developed and interesting characters. They grabbed my attention from the very start and I never felt like the narrative was dragging or taking too long to progress. This list is constantly growing and changing as I watch more and more movies, but for now these are my top drama movie picks:
In Bruges (2008)
This film tackles an intense and serious subject matter while still integrating some great moments of dark humor. The actors/characters have the perfect balance of being people you really want to root for even though they are incredibly flawed. Overall, very well executed.
Lady Bird (2017)
This is a coming of age story packed with smart, emotional and funny moments. The characters grow and experience self-discovery while dealing with figuring out how to deal with the gap between childhood and adulthood. There are a lot of relatable and real moments in this film for sure.
Call Me By Your Name (2017)
The story being told in this film is full-hearted and beautiful. It is joyful yet devastating and the performances from the actors make the shifting emotional impact extremely believable and affecting. The setting and score also add so much to the overall feel and tone of the film.
Little Women (2019)
A beautifully structured and crafted telling of a truly entertaining and heart felt story of life and all its ups and downs. The characters are flawlessly portrayed by the actors and packed with tons of personality.
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
A touching movie that delivers memorable characters who evolve and develop throughout the story in such a wonderful and inspiring way. It also has an amazingly crafted script that encompasses heartbreak, hilarity and a moving look at humanity.
The Truman Show (1998)
This film has strong storytelling along with great performances. The primary message seems to become even more prevalent as time goes on and media/entertainment change.
Beautiful Boy (2018)
I love the approach taken in making this film as real and untouched by Hollywood filmmaking gimmicks as possible since it is based on a true story that highlights issues that are so important in today’s society. All of the performances carry such emotion and the impact this had on the overall viewing experience was incredible.
Her (2013)
I was surprised by the insightful look at relationships and falling in love in unexpected ways that was relayed through the narrative. I also really love the color scheme and score used in this film.
Swiss Army Man (2016)
This film is hard to talk about without giving away too much about it. Even though it seems kind of silly and ridiculous, it has such a deep meaning. This is one you don’t want to miss out on.